The Top Montessori Clothing Tips You Need for Your Baby

Choosing baby clothes is so much fun that we become obsessed with their adorableness. When dressing a baby, we must consider the baby's developmental stage. According to Montessori principles, we should respect our child's interests and requirements.

Read on to discover the top Montessori tips you need for finding the perfect baby clothing.

Tip: Make Mobility and Comfort a Priority

If your baby is motivated to reach for toys, make sure their arm is not constrained by excess clothing. 

Choose elastic and stretchy fabrics, such as jersey material. Choose sizes that will not suffocate or smother your child. Keep an eye out for stomachs and waistlines that are constricted. Lightweight clothing, especially around the arms and legs, makes exploration easier. 

Comfortable, easy-to-manage clothing promotes mobility and independence in your child. Flexible waistbands make pulling pants up and down easier, which aids in toilet learning. 

Tip: Allow for Better Feet Movement

Maintain a clear and safe path for your child's feet. Furthermore, traction on indoor surfaces where socks may be slippery allows for more sensory exploration through the feet (a wood floor feels very different than a shag carpet!). While keeping your baby warm is essential, mittens and socks limit their exposure to the outside world. 

Tip: Look for Crawl-Friendly Bottoms

Crawling babies prefer shorts to pants because they allow them to move around more freely and feel the different textures on the floor or rug. Stick to comfortable fabrics and save the jeans for later in life, as denim can be confining. Onesies are also ideal for teaching your baby to crawl because they do not bunch up. It's time to introduce pants and shirts to your child after he or she has mastered crawling and standing. 

Tip: Remove all Clothing Labels

Remove all clothing labels or find labels that are not abrasive. Tags can itch and draw your child's attention away from observing and learning in their surroundings. 

Tip: Get Breathable Clothing and Materials

Your child used their body as a reference point, maintaining a constant temperature around them while unclothed. However, once removed from your body, they were hidden by something new: clothing! Clothing for newborns, in particular, should be breathable, flexible, and form-fitting in order to allow your baby to naturally explore their environment. 

Clothing is important in Montessori because it promotes independence in your child. Small changes can make a big difference in your child's ability to dress themselves. 

Tip: Give Way for Buttoning

When your baby is around 4 months old, start demonstrating buttoning and explaining the steps aloud. Your child will become aware of how the buttons are moved, which will help them learn to do so independently later on. When your child is old enough to sit alone, invite them to observe and learn. Look for buttoned shirts that open in the front or on the shoulders for your child. They start buttoning themselves around the age of two. 


Finding the right baby clothing and teaching your child to wear their clothes requires patience. This means you must be more generous with your time, to both you and your child. So, rather than correcting, try to provide practice. Allow your child to be comfortable in their clothes and determine which types of clothing are appropriate for their movement, their age, and their comfort level. This way, you can let your child breathe and enjoy their own appearance when it comes to dressing up, and more!

STITCH. The Label is a baby clothing brand that manufactures using sustainably sourced and comfortable materials for children up to two years old. Shop our collection today!

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