Tips for a New Mom: Keeping Baby Clothes Organized

Preparations abound for a new mother as she eagerly anticipates the birth of her precious bundle of joy. The unexpected may happen, no matter how well-prepared you think you are. 

Your baby's newborn clothes may be too small. After all, sleeping well is the most important thing for a baby. As a result, you may need to arrange stuff like your baby’s little apparel.

We've prepared a few basic strategies to assist your transition from the hospital to your own home as efficiently as possible. As a reminder that you're not alone, here are some basic recommendations on baby-clothing organization strategies to help you get back on your feet.

1. Keep Essentials Near the Changing Table

While you’re nursing or in the middle of a diaper change, you may not want to get up to wander around the house for the missing sleeper you’re putting on your squirming baby. Keep those frequently used items closest to you and the changing table.

You can also place a basket of daily-used items outside the nursery and another basket of things in the nursery. This makes it easy to pop in and out without carrying or bringing back a bunch of items. Also, use the changing table to store blankets, burp cloths, and bibs.

2. Sort Items Based on Their Type

Once you’ve got your storage baskets and the changing table utilized, separate each item into individual storage units. It’s okay to stack things up like onesies or baby t-shirts if you have to, but separate them by type. You can also use clear tubs for each kind of clothing item.

Make sure you don’t put things in a drawer that don’t belong there to keep your baby clothes organized. For example, don’t stuff a bunch of burp cloths together with the onesies.

3. Use Drawer Dividers for Various Purposes

Be sure to add drawer dividers to your baby’s wardrobe if you are afraid you will have to buy a lot of clothes as they grow up. 

Drawer dividers make it easy to add new clothing to your baby’s wardrobe, while keeping their clothes organized and in place. These dividers also maintain baby clothes in neat pairs, which you can use in other areas like jewelry, craft supplies, or the bathroom.

4. Make Use of the Appropriate Bin

Baby clothes can get disorganized quickly. Store them in accordion closet organizers to help keep the clothes from getting misplaced. 

These will keep your baby’s outfits in plain view and make it easy to find what you're looking for, no matter where you put them.

5. Consider Keeping a Hamper Next to the Changing Table

The last thing we want to remind you is to keep a hamper close by your changing table or in your baby's closet. No one likes to deal with dirty clothes, but it's essential to keep those clothes out of sight, out of mind. A hamper with a washable bag is a great way to keep those clothes out of sight but still within reach when you have time to tackle the laundry.

The best thing you can do as you're getting used to this new life as a mom is to make sure you have a plan for everything. Think it out and develop a system that makes the most sense for you and your family. Baby clothes are no exception to this rule. If you feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths, power down the computer, and talk to your baby. After all, your baby is the essential part of the whole thing.


Baby clothes are one of those things that are so fun to buy for and give away. We hope that this article helped you organize your baby clothes in a way that is rewarding and useful to you. With a bit of ingenuity and plenty of creativity, you'll soon have everything you need.

S T I T C H. The Label is an excellent source of newborn baby clothing apparel. Our company focuses on soft and delicate clothing for newborns and infants up to two years old. Check us out today!

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